Since I am currently so busy, very fast, this is a type of Italian Panna cotta dessert, but without cream and gelatine with edges (agar) flakes and KUZU. It is vegan and macrobiotic intolerance, for people with Milch(Laktose) suitable or simply for vegans who want something sweet and creamy. I have a few days ago a real good soy milk "discovered", otherwise these are often unfortunately barely edible. The variety is of "Alpro soya"(nein,_es_soll_keine_Schleichwerbung_werden,_habe_keinen_"Vertrag"_…) and is cooled offered in addition to normal milk in the supermarket shelves. I discovered also 2 other very interesting soy products. Why this kind of food, well, I'm no Gesundheitsapostel, really not. But, I have strong ethical reasons why I want to give up animal products, it is particularly important to me meat or bone gelatine.
The soy milk tastes very creamy and fruity, really pleasant, quiet try. Personally, I ever not a fan of available in our soy milk, especially when you know how those can taste / should.Since the Japanese are again front, soymilk fresh produced in Japan is delicious, very different from many of our products.
Who but with soy milk so don't can, of course you can produce the dessert with cream/milk or rice milk.
No artificial flavors use please real vanilla, everything should be obvious.I have drizzled the dessert with a little Matcha syrup/liqueur, you can also mix.The dessert is a little under development.
450 ml soy milk (Alpro soya fresh)
10 g KUZU strength
3 g edge flakes
50 g light cane sugar
1-2 El Matcha
Half vanilla bulkheads, cut
2 El Matcha syrup
2 EL Matcha liqueur
2 EL Kuro Mame ama-ni, sweet black soybeans
Use please no Agar-Agar powder, calcium in milk/cream and this soy milk reinforced the gelling properties, it is then very firm.
Remove 30 ml of soy milk and the KUZU resolve to strength.The remaining soy milk together with the sliced vanilla bulkheads and edge flakes over medium heat 5 minutes slow heat, until the edges, the vanilla should consider a little.Then boil, KUZU stir, boil again, constantly stirring.The mass will thicken a little, then turn off the heat.
Matcha mix with the sugar, so you must not seven tea and stir in 2-3 steps in hot soy milk.Here you can add a little liqueur and syrup.
Pour through a fine sieve into moulds ausgesp?lte with cold water because of the vanilla bulkheads and any residues edges or KUZU.Let cool and best overnight, but at least for some hour chill, the dessert should be served necessarily well chilled.
Overthrow the next day and a little Matcha mix syrup with Matcha liqueur to sprinkle the dessert.Serve with sour fruit and few Kuro Mame.
-With soy milk/real cream half half
-Soy milk/almond milk
-Maple syrup/rice malt to sweeten
I will also necessarily make tofu from this soy milk, otherwise you must always produce the milk.
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