Dragon is one of the favourite herbs of the little guy, which is why this stoofseltje.
And it was delicious!Very easy to make!
1 large double chicken fillet cut into pieces
A knob of butter and dash of olive oil
Pepper and salt
2 shallots that are finely cut up
2 kl knoflookpuree
Dash of white wine
Half a teaspoon of chicken broth Piet Huysentruyt
Small box room
3 tbsp finely chopped fresh tarragon
To the consumer on preparation/cooking
The oil and melt the butter in a pan and the beautiful Brown Chicken Bake, seasoning with salt and pepper.
If the chicken is beautiful Brown, add the shallots and the knoflookpuree.
Just let meebakken and a good dash of white wine.
Let Cook for This as well and let boil down.
If there is still some moisture inside los the chicken broth and add the game room.
Let the sauce boil down.
Tests and see if you still need to herbs.
Add the Dragon and like soaking.
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